Recommended tours for travelers looking for an adventure in Tokyo
You can not only experience Samurai Experience, but also enjoy cosplay photography and videography, and indulge in Japanese sweets and matcha. Immerse yourself in a deep Japanese cultural experience.
外国人観光客向けのサムライツアーをやっている刀屋壱さん。東京サムライアドベンチャーツアーです。こういうアドベンチャツアーが外国人旅行者にウケるのか?Tokyo Samurai Adventure Tourがよいのか、Experienceがよいのか?
SPECIAL Samurai experience
Samurai, Cosplay, Photo, Matcha
The Samurai Adventure Tour has three elements. Those of us who play samurai roles in action movies will give you a samurai lesson. We provide practice swords and samurai costumes. You can take photos in samurai costumes at traditional Japanese houses. You will learn how to make matcha, a Japanese tea, together.
- 20000 YEN
- 90 mins
- 4 times everyday
TRIAL Samurai experience
Watch people practicing for the roles of samurai in action movies. And let’s have a samurai experience too. We use a practice sword rather than a real sword. Please wear clothes that are comfortable for exercising. Samurai costumes can be rented for a fee.
- 3000 YEN
- 60mins
- Only Weekend fixed time